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Table 2 Demographic, preoperative clinical, and postoperative status of the patients

From: Surgical Apgar Score can help predict postoperative cardiopulmonary complication and reoperation in lung cancer resection



Age, year ± SD

57.7 ± 13.3

Gender, n (%)


311 (76.8%)


94 (23.2%)

Diagnosis, n (%)

 Lung cancer

294 (72.6%)

 Bening Lung mass

111 (27.4%)

Disease localization, n (%)


237 (59.0%)


168 (41.0%)

BMI, kg/m± SD

25.6 ± 4.7

EF value, n (%)

  < 60

60 (14.8%)

  ≥ 60

345 (85.2%)

HT presence

149 (36.8%)

COPD presence

79 (19.5%)

Neoadjuvan, n (%)

25 (6.2%)

Resection type, n (%)


71 (17.5%)


293 (72.3%)

 Wedge resection

41 (10.1%)

Type of operation, n (%)


318 (78.5%)


87 (21.5%)

 Operation time, hours ± SD

3.9 ± 0.7

 Intraoperative blood loss, ml ± SD

369 ± 335.0

 Intraoperative MAP, mmHg ± SD

66.1 ± 11.8

 Intraoperative heart rate, n/min ± SD

67.6 ± 11.3

 Intraoperative Apgar Score, n ± SD

6.5 ± 1.5

 Postoperative APACHE II, unit ± SD

8.1 ± 3.3

 Postoperative SOFA, unit ± SD

0.79 ± 1.56

 Reoperation, n (%)

24 (5.9%)

 Postoperative complications, n (%)

151 (37.2%)

 Mortality, n (%)

5 (1.2%)

  1. COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, EF Ejection fraction, BMI Body mass index, VATS Video-assisted thoracic surgery, MAP Mean arterial pressure, HT Hypertension, APACHE Acute Physiological And Chronic Health Evaluation, SOFA Sequental Organ Failure Assessment Score