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Table 3 Relationship between heart rate, blood pressure, and amount of intraoperative blood loss with general complications, respiratory complications, and cardiac complications

From: Surgical Apgar Score can help predict postoperative cardiopulmonary complication and reoperation in lung cancer resection


Amount of intraoperative blood loss, ml ± SD

p value

Intraoperative MAP, mmHg ± SD

P value

Intraoperative heart rate, rate /min

P value

Postoperative general complication, n (%)


 < 0.001


 < 0.001


 None (n = 292)

316.2 ± 330.3


67.0 ± 10.4


66.0 ± 10.3


 Yes (n = 113)

481 ± 328.1


61 ± 11.5


68.9 ± 12.1


Postoperative respiratory complications n (%)

 None (n = 367)

379.0 ± 495

 < 0.001

66.6 ± 11.7


67.2 ± 11.1


 Yes (n = 38)

547.1 ± 157.0


61 ± 12.0


70.1 ± 13.0


Postoperative cardiac complications n (%)

 None (n = 301)

323.9 ± 279

 < 0.001

67.5 ± 11.5

 < 0.001

66.8 ± 10.7


 Yes (n = 104)

473.9 ± 322.5


62.1 ± 11.6


69.3 ± 12.9

  1. SD Standart deviasyon, MAP Mean arterial pressure